
Lintas Budaya is a walikota of East Jakarta's Project.
Was held on 10/10/2010 at MOI Kelapa Gading
With a theme of Beach Side Culture around Indonesia, so we are providing 10 dance number from 9 provinces which is:

  1. Betawi's Surau
  2. Nandak Ganjen - Betawi                          
  3. Margangir - Tapanuli Utara
  4. Kanjet dan Mandau - Kalimantan Timur 
5. Jejer - Jawa Timur
6. PakaGelu - Sulawesi
7. Sajojo - Papua
  8. Tifa - NTT
  9. Belibis _ Bali
10. Tanjidor Kahod - Jawa Barat

It was starting right on time and we can finished early.
The funny thing is they held it at Lower Ground of MOI Kelapa Gading, just between a play area and a furniture counter.